30 May 2008

What a difference a month makes

The pictures above were taken middle March and 30 May, respectively. The unique tree trunk planter is my favorite piece in the yard, and hens and chicks is my favorite plant, so I tend to use it as the barometer for plant health in my yard. This little guy grew so much in the past couple of months that I need to dig out the overgrowth that mixed in with my low evergreens (which you can barely see above the planter).

The last three pics are great because they really demonstrate the lengths to which my garden has grown in such a short amount of time. In one pic, the bare trees and shrubs in my side yard garden are depressing; in another, they are lush and absolutely gorgeous. I lucked out this year. The tulips are also where many of my garden veggies and herbs are planted, and I have to admit that tulips alongside edibles was a great idea--I see beauty whenever I feel hungry.

1 comment:

Jessica@Foodmayhem said...

I wish I had a garden of herbs and veggies.